To Son, With Love Published by Dear son, It's not every day I do this, Don't even know where to start and how to convey but I have waited long enough to say. Clichéd phrases you'd be anticipating ~ Grades don't matter, and your academic excellence doesn't define you. I want you to be a good human being, that is all. No, my son, it is all nothing but a lie. The world out there is hard and fiercely competitive, There are wolves to tear down before you realize, And hawks to drop into the abyss. You are either a winner or a whiner. It's OK to follow your heart and fulfill your passion, But there should be enough food on the table. Having a heart of gold is OK, but your pockets shouldn't be empty. It's okay to hold on to pride, but fortune comes at a price. It's OK to miss the bus, but heartbreaks aren't easy. Work hard, for there aren't any shortcuts to success. My dear son - ...
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