Think Piece - Is Originality Dead ?

I put so much effort into writing this think piece. It was part of a 50-hour challenge by  but as writers, we know that only some of our work is chosen. 

Some pieces are overlooked and do not get the recognition they deserve. Despite this, I want to express gratitude to those genuine readers who take the time to engage with my posts. I'd like to share an excerpt from my entry, representing the best piece I could have ever written. 

Cheers !!

A. S


"Nothing of me is original.

I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known."

Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

-        How can we encourage individuals to embrace their uniqueness and creativity in a world of content and trends? The human race was created to be motivated and enlightened. However, the internet's pervasiveness has diminished our creative desire. We are bombarded with information, which causes us to overlook our right-brain skills. Today, there is a widespread fear of standing out, which drives many people to seek conformity. Ironically, while everyone desires change, many are hesitant to embrace it.

Ever wonder why music sounds monotonous nowadays?  It's because, like seasoned anglers, record labels know how to manipulate public attention expertly in their never-ending quest for riches. When they find something that piques the public's interest, they exploit it, frequently at the expense of artistic diversity. Instead of recognizing and cultivating natural talent, the music industry often prioritizes an attractive, youthful image with just enough ability for auto-tune to hide flaws, perpetuating a lack of authenticity in the craft. 

All the actors bear a strange resemblance to one another, from their sleek, straight hair and carefully sculpted lip fillers to their precise, thin eyebrows. Their identical fashion choices further blur the lines between them, leaving observers unable to distinguish one from the other.

Envision this: on the most significant day of your life, a wedding, you have the opportunity to create a celebration that is uniquely yours. The 'viral' trend of pastel lehngas, mogra garlands, sun-kissed faces, and foreign locales popularized by celebrity weddings may appear glamorous. Still, there's a joy in breaking away from these crazy trends and creating something that truly reflects your love and values. The pressure to make wedding pictures' Gram Worthy' and vacation posts generate numerous likes is a stark reminder of the weight of societal expectations amplified by social media. 

- It is concerning to see children being named after the children of celebrities simply because parents could not come up with an original name or lacked the ingenuity to do so. For example, naming a child "Akeera" or "Ayaan" reflects a trend that raises questions about the type of philosophy we are promoting. Could this be leading to a lack of uniqueness and diversity in the names we give our children, potentially creating clones of celebrity names?

-        Originality transcends mere novelty; it entails doing something unprecedented and embracing the core concepts behind a creation. In a world with nearly eight billion people, the pursuit of uniqueness is a common desire. However, the truth remains that billions have preceded us, and with the ever-expanding population, almost every conceivable idea has been fortuitously brought to light. Nonetheless, each individual remains exceptional. What makes people different from each other is not just about avoiding repetitions or creating something new altogether; it lies in their life experiences that are enriched through time.  

For instance, instead of following a recipe to the letter, you can add your twist to it, reflecting your unique taste and vision imagination. Or, when decorating your home, you can mix and match different styles to create a space that truly represents you.

 "Am I original?'

"Am I the only one?"

These simple lyrics from the renowned song "Everybody" by the Backstreet Boys convey a meaningful message. The desire to be genuine and love for one's true self is a universal wish. As humans, we grapple with accepting authenticity. We shun artificiality, yet our struggle extends to embracing straightforwardness and rawness. 

As we continue on our journey, though, we realize that genuine originality is hard to come by because most ideas are predicated on preexisting ideas and representations. Nonetheless, new, unexpressed ideas continue to emerge.

Humans naturally gravitate towards the familiar and find comfort in established archetypes, tropes, and genres, as they provide us with a sense of direction and confidence. It is essential to recognize that individuals possess an inherent uniqueness shaped by their economic and social class and capabilities.  Every person possesses a distinct worldview shaped by their upbringing, experiences, and stimuli. 

Following a trend requires less effort than creating it. As long as the human race exists, unique and exceptional new ideas will continue to emerge, and there will always be beholders and imitators.

Mark Twain wrote:

"There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take many old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn, and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely, but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages."

 Indeed, the concept of pure originality is quickly becoming dated. Instead, every creation is rooted in a preexisting idea, be it a concept, theory, tradition, or practice, albeit with a fresh, diverse, or amalgamated perspective.

That said, I am reminded of individuals who constantly push boundaries, extricating true innovation. It is because of these innovators that the things we have around us today could be developed, and the materials used are of highly advanced nature and technology. They contribute greatly to our lives with their creativity.

Hain aur bhee duniya mien sukhanwar bahut achche,

Kehte hain ghalib ka hai andaaz-ebayaan aur…!!

 There are plenty of talented individuals in the world of poetry, each with their unique style. However, Ghalib's way of expressing himself stands out as truly exceptional. 

While the poet Mirza Ghalib remains unparalleled, we will continue to cherish and draw inspiration from his remarkable work until we discover another poet of similar caliber.



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