
Showing posts from 2024

Poem - Ignis Fatuus

dance of the fireflies    In the realm between shadows and light, illusions dance,  A phantasm, a trick of sight.  Whispers draw me closer, clouding my mind,  Casting its spell, playing with my psyche. Mysterious, obscure, and deep. Embracing me in its warmth. Isn't love an illusion?  As is life.  Fleeting, frail, and magical like folklore.  I wander through this dreamlike land,  Light as a feather, tender as a teardrop. In twilight, when stillness stings,  A tapestry of yearning weaves its threads,  Each stitch is embellished with pleasures I want to know.  Isn't love an illusion?  As...

Think Piece - Is Originality Dead ?

I put so much effort into writing this think piece. It was part of a 50-hour challenge by   but as writers, we know that only some of our work is chosen.  Some pieces are overlooked and do not get the recognition they deserve. Despite this, I want to express gratitude to those genuine readers who take the time to engage with my posts. I'd like to share an excerpt from my entry, representing the best piece I could have ever written.  Cheers !! A. S IS ORIGINALITY DEAD? "Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known." Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters -        How can we encourage individuals to embrace their uniqueness and creativity in a world of content and trends? The human race was created to be motivated and enlightened. However, the internet's pervasiveness has diminished our creative desire. We are bombarded with information, which causes us to overlo...

Sometimes Sweet Sometimes Silly Short Stories - Patterns In The Sky

(  The short story fiction category was chosen for an online writing competition. The story began as a 50-word submission I wrote for a prompt on Instagram.) The Patterns In The Sky Ten-year-old Nina pointed towards the sky, her eyes sparkling with wonder.  "Look, Mom, the sky looks so beautiful," she exclaimed. It was a cold, dreary morning in January, and the looming clouds veiled the entire landscape. Nina and her mother, Neelam, were nestled in the tranquil embrace of their farmhouse courtyard, enveloped by the undisturbed rural panorama. As Neelam hesitantly looked up from the book she was engrossed in, she couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the dull, gray sky and her daughter's vibrant, elated expression. Instead of basking in the warmth of her daughter's joy, she was unexpectedly trapped by a bewildering surge of conflicting emotions. Unsure of navigating this whirlwind of feelings, she was transfixed. She realized that this moment would ma...

Poem - Phoenix

Phoenix   They said I had it all. I woke up on a bed of roses, without a worry in the world, as destiny smiled on me daily. Unaccountable wads of cash stuffed in my handbag, I roamed around the world. But there I was, lying on driftwood, floating far away from home, losing sight of my goals. They said I had it all. The heir, the progeny, and the lucky one— no one to ask, no one to tell. for some, I was a good catch; for the rest, I was an easy prey. And there I was, looking at the noose, taking it all in. Lonely, fearful, and abandoned while they devoured the cupcakes. They said I had it all. The spark found me, and now I am reunited with my soul— silencing the aching heart, shutting down the voices in my head. I will fly through the roof, reach for the stars, And have It all! I say I will have it all. Why not... !!

कुछ स्वाल कुछ बातें - आग

आग  जलना है तो जलो जी भर ,  मै रहूँगी साथ ,  रूप अनेक , नाम  एक - आग  किन्तु सर्व प्रथम करो निर्णय ,  तप कर बनोगे स्वर्ण मुद्रा या मात्र  राख।  कर्तव्यपथ ढँक सा गया हो  , विपदा , विवशता , चुनौतियां हज़ार,  बन कर धूमकेतु ,  गंतव्य  दिखलाऊँ,  चल सकोगे ? बिना हारे , बिना थके , लिए उम्मीदों का भार।    तमक  बन  जल जाऊँ   दो प्रेमियों के ह्रदय में , कहलाऊ  अनुराग, प्रकाश  वही, ताप  वही किन्तु नयी अनुभूति ।  उलझने , विरोध , कलय , क्रोध , आग का दरिया , लांघ सकोगे ? साथ रहोगे  सदैव तो बनू  प्रेम की साक्षी।  रूप एक वो भी है  मेरा ,  जो भस्म कर दे घर संसार, लपटों से लिपटी कराहती  बेटी, बेगुनाह माँ,  कभी अग्निपरीक्षा, कहीं  अपराध  , मूक रहोगे निर्लज्ज   अभी भी ? जला सकोगे तो आगे बढ़ो ,   कभी न बुझने वाली ,  देश प्रेम की पावन ज्वाला,  पिंजर तक बलिदान करोगे युद्ध  में , मात्ृ  भूमि सर्वोपरि , ये प्रति...

Sometimes Silly , Sometimes Sweet - Dear M

          ( This short story was selected in an online writing competition.)                                                                                                        Dear “M” Among the stacks of books, I noticed an old novel. Curious, I grabbed it up. The author was not celebrated, and the cover had a neon green text with the simple title "Dear M." I went up to the storekeeper to ask what the pricing was. "Take it as a gift; the novel has been waiting for you," he said, a smile showing through his wrinkles. I felt strange because the shopkeeper had never been so kind. Mom would take me shopping on my birthdays. She adored giving books as gifts, and I loved to read. However, I have paid the...


संगदिल  श्रीमती प्रभा दीक्षित को  National level Online writing competition में प्रथम पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ, 10 ,000 रुपये नकद , एक certificate और एक बहुत सुंदर फूल बेला वाली कलमकारी साड़ी । 45  वर्ष की आयु में  प्रभा के लिए ये बेहतरीन अनुभव था। घर गृहस्ती , परिवार की जिम्मेदारियों,  सामाजिक दायित्वों के चलते लेखन में अत्यंत रुचि रखने वाली प्रभा कभी समय नहीं निकाल पायी। पति और दोनों बच्चों के प्रोत्साहन का परिणाम था ये पुरस्कार। प्रभा गौरवांवित मेहसूस कर रही थी ! हमेशा सुनते आए है खुशियां बांटने से बढ़ती है और दुख सांझा करने से कम।  प्रभा ने पुरुस्काकर के साथ एक selfie खींचकर अपने सभी WhatsApp groups में भेज दी।  साथ में लिखा कि  समारोह online था,  Gmeet का link केवल participants और organising committee के लिए ही मान्य था इस लिए किसी को आमंत्रित नहीं कर पायी ।  .  हां !  वो जानती थी कि link share करके भी सभी अनुपस्थित ही होते क्योंकि समय जिनके  पास है  उन्हें Technology की समझ नहीं और जिन्हें है उन्हें दिलचस्पी नहीं।...

Mind MoleCool - Mental Health Matters

Unloop The Loop!   The World Health Organization (WHO) conceptualizes mental health as a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her community. Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10 th October every year. The theme for 2023 set by the World Foundation of Mental Health is “Mental Health is a Universal Right”. Mental health issues are just as real as any other ailment affecting physical health.  The manifestation of physical ailments is evident but it may take years at times for mental disorders to surface. Since the approach and management involve the treatment of deep recesses of the mind outcomes are slower.   Let’s break free from a few myths surrounding mental health. 1)     Myth: Women are vulnerable to mental health issues. Fact: Mental health issues are gender-neutral and can affect al...